The Arleekinoo game is a 2D turn-based adventure with a 2D platformer elements.  You can play a DEMO version with a two level, 6.quests, initial tutorial and implemented game story. 

Play with the mouse! Keyboard keys for a quest play.

up arrow    or W - move up
left arrow  or A - move left
down arrow  or S - move down
right arrow or D - move right
Space            - jump
ESC              - main menu

Game setup (first time only) under a minute, be patient.

The game story so far ... You are in some beautiful and unknown forest. Your tribe left, and you are left alone. First, it's good to solve some essential needs, but then you will need to find where the tribe is gone.

The game creation started as one of the educational games of a Grand Godot tutorial 

Making this game needs time and money, so consider a donation!

Enjoy a game play!

Playing tips:

  • quests can give you resources, starting with a quest button click and ending with the end quest button click
  • tech research will give you additional action points, speed, and more. Research cost resource points and start with the button Tech tree
  • use the search on the field to find field characteristics

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